We offer professional business support that is tailored to your specific needs. We offer administrative support, social media management, email marketing, Pinterest management, podcast management, launch support and more. We're here to help you grow your business!

We're here to support you so you can focus on what you're best at: your business!

Ways To Work With Me

DIY Pinterest Course
(Coming Soon!)

You’re done being the Jill (or Jack) of all trades and you’re ready to niche down or you want your own VA to start marketing your business on Pinterest. Pinterest is a powerhouse visual search engine and one of the fastest-growing digital platforms that drives rich traffic and qualified leads to product and service-based businesses alike. 

DWY Vip/Strategy Sessions

Your VIP Day is all about YOU! You get to choose the platform that we’ll work on! This is a one day intensive with one week Voxer support, so you can start your content marketing with a roadmap, strategy and optimized account or we will organize the back-end of your business with Trello so you will no longer be searching for #allthethings! Your sticky note mountain will be a thing of the past! Our signature structure will save you hours per week!.

1:1 Virtual Assistant Mentoring

You’re burnt out with the 9-5 hustle, or perhaps you’re a mom with little ones at home looking to contribute financially to your family ….But you aren’t sure how to start and you’ve tried Googling everything which is so overwhelming! Immersed in best practices, we support you as you start or grow your own Virtual Assistant business and give you the guidance to grow and scale in alignment with your life without burnout!

DFY Pinterest or Social Media Management

What if I told you that there was a way to have more visibility, leads and sales without the hassle? Imagine being able just focus on your business instead of chasing social media trends or spending hours trying new marketing techniques. Of course it’s possible with our help! 😉

You’re time is valuable!

How much is it costing you to manage your own social media and/or Pinterest accounts? 

– Not just financially, but think about the time it takes you to do it yourself. Time that you can NEVER get back! Time that you could be spending with family & friends, taking a nice vacation somewhere, or just spending time relaxing! 


How much money do you think you’re leaving on the table without fresh content?

– Not having the time to consistently create fresh content is costing you traffic, leads, and ultimately sales!


What areas other areas of your life would be affected if you were to get traffic and consistent clients from social media or Pinterest as your traffic source?

– Imagine what your life business and personal would look like with consistent clients! 


How would you show up differently in your business if you didn’t have to worry about social media or Pinterest?

– As a business owner it can be exhausting trying to keep up with all the social platforms, algorithm changes, and day-to-day operations. Leave your social media and/or Pinterest management to an expert!

Who Am I?

Hi there! I’m Kelly, a Social Media and Pinterest Manager & Strategist who assists 6-10 figure businesses like yours through the power of ORGANIC social media and Pinterest to grow your online presence.  

I am on a mission to help business leaders spread their ideas and influence so they can help people lead authentic, fulfilling lives!

I can help you get your message across to your future audience by connecting them with your valuable free resources and paid programs through the power of social media and/or Pinterest marketing.

Because I will be PERSONALLY managing your Social Media or Pinterest account, there are a limited number of spots available.

"I have been working with Kelly for several years now and her skills as a virtual assistant are outstanding. She has helped me grow my business significantly by building up my social media presence and growing a new audience and engaging my existing. I highly recommend her to anyone out there that is trying to start a new business or trying to grow an existing one she will be an excellent asset." ~Dr. Frank Aieta
Dr. Frank Aieta
Naturopathic Physician

Contact me today for a free 30-minute no obligation consultation!

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