Why You Should Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Why You Should Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Why Hire a Virtual Assistant Instead of an In-Office Assistant?

Have you been wondering why you should outsource to a Virtual Assistant rather than have an in-office Assistant?  There are several benefits to hiring a Virtual Assistant, here’s just a couple:

  • You can hire a Virtual Assistant for certain tasks or for a certain number of hours per month.  An in-office Assistant is being paid to be there whether they have work to do or not.  With a Virtual Assistant No work = no pay!  
  • Virtual Assistants are not paid medical or retirement benefits, vacation or sick days.  In-house Assistants cost more than just their salary.  This means with a Virtual Assistant more money to invest in your business!
  • A Virtual Assistant will not gossip on business hours, will not arrive late for work, take extended lunches or not show up.  You get more bang for your buck with a Virtual Assistant!


  • Hiring the right person to assist you in your business is not quick or easy!  You need to advertise, wait for applications, sort through all those applications, set up interviews, interview, make a selection on your most qualified candidate and finally start training.  You can skip a lot of these steps by hiring a Virtual Assistant!  
  • Time is money!  Hire a Virtual Assistant to support your business so you can spend your time building your business!  A Virtual Assistant can add hours to your day!

Virtual Assistants may be one of the best business moves you could make!  Don’t forget, a good Virtual assistant is worth every penny!!

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