Pinterest Is Not Just Another Social Media Platform

Pinterest Is Not Just Another Social Media Platform

Do you think Pinterest is just for cake-decorating ideas? Well, it’s time to think again! With over 445 million users logging in every month, Pinterest is not just another social media platform – it’s now an essential tool for effective marketing. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the unique features and advantages of using Pinterest as part of your digital marketing strategy. Get ready to take advantage of its full potential.

Pinterest Is Not Just Another Social Media Platform

Say goodbye to time-consuming engagement!

Pinterest is where people go to be inspired and find creative ideas, not engage in conversations. This means it’s okay to spend less time engaging with others compared with other social media platforms like Instagram.

Although comments on Pins can help your reach, focus only some of your energy here. Engagement isn’t the norm for Pinterest users. Instead, focus on creating gorgeous visuals or helpful resources – this will get you noticed!

Remember, Pinterest is a visual search engine, not a social media platform.

Spend less time worrying about responding to never-ending (and sometimes spammy) DM’s. Say goodbye to inboxes full of unanswered messages—who has the extra hours anyway? 

Pinterest Is Not Just Another Social Media Platform – But It Does Create Passive Visibility for Your Business

As a search engine, Pinterest gives you lasting visibility with minimal effort. Each Pin you create has the potential to be discovered for months or years down the line – with no additional input required! 

With strategic usage of this platform, your ideas can spread and provide passive exposure that lasts.

Here’s an example of how this worked for my client Frank. 

Frank is a Naturopath who was looking to increase website visits and grow his email list.

I created a Pin that gave information on how to naturally detox-with a call to action to visit his website. On that Pin I used keywords like:

Natural detox program
How to do a whole-body detox
Naturopathic Detox Protocol
Heal your body the natural way
Purify your body

Now this Pin was created in April 2020. People who searched for those keywords (and similar) were able to find his Pin. They visited his website, and join his email list. This continued for YEARS after the Pin was created! 

This campaign resulted in Pinterest becoming the #1 traffic driver to his website (even after YEARS of engagement on Facebook)! It also resulted in over 1,000 new email subscribers! And the best part…Frank continued seeing patients, going on vacation, and writing an ebook. This required no extra work for Frank!

Did you know that when people search for something on Pinterest, the Pins that populate are based on how relevant they are to the search they are performing? Not how recent a Pin was posted. This means your content and offers can have passive visibility in searches for months – even years! 

To fully take advantage of this perk, however, be sure to optimize your profile boards and pins with relevant keywords.

Pinterest is not just another social media platform

Repurpose your existing content to Pinterest

With Pinterest, you can easily maximize the impact of your content from other platforms! Reels, Instagram Stories, TikToks, and YouTube, are just some ways to repurpose posts for a new audience. Now that’s what I call efficient – maximizing your reach without extra effort!

If you’re looking to get your content seen by new people, Pinterest can offer a unique form of passive visibility. However, it’s important that when repurposing for the platform, it should be done strategically and in a way appropriate for its users – so as to avoid overworking yourself or creating something unrecognizable!

To capitalize on the power of Pinterest, it’s essential to know what people come for – ideas and inspiration. Curate content tailored to this audience using search engine optimization (SEO). That way, you can make sure your pins reach the right eyes! With a little effort invested in creating efficient repurposing workflows to transform existing content onto Pinterest, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Pinterest Is Not Just Another Social Media Platform – Are you ready?

Make Pinterest the newest addition to your marketing plan, and you won’t have to worry about creating high-maintenance content or constantly engaging with followers—it’s a search engine, so all that hard work is already done! You can repurpose existing content for maximum visibility while reaching new audiences quickly. Plus, setting up campaigns on Pinterest requires little effort when compared to other platforms in terms of maintenance. You can follow me on Instagram for more Pinterest tips & tricks!

If you want more help with getting your Pinterest strategy going, grab my FREE 5 Pin Templates & Pin Strategy Checklist. It has everything you need to get started so that you can begin acquiring clients from this powerful platform. You can book a call here if you’re looking to get started or outsource your Pinterest management.

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